19 research outputs found

    Between proper and strong edge-colorings of subcubic graphs

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    In a proper edge-coloring the edges of every color form a matching. A matching is induced if the end-vertices of its edges induce a matching. A strong edge-coloring is an edge-coloring in which the edges of every color form an induced matching. We consider intermediate types of edge-colorings, where edges of some colors are allowed to form matchings, and the remaining form induced matchings. Our research is motivated by the conjecture proposed in a recent paper of Gastineau and Togni on S-packing edge-colorings (On S-packing edge-colorings of cubic graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 259 (2019), 63-75) asserting that by allowing three additional induced matchings, one is able to save one matching color. We prove that every graph with maximum degree 3 can be decomposed into one matching and at most 8 induced matchings, and two matchings and at most 5 induced matchings. We also show that if a graph is in class I, the number of induced matchings can be decreased by one, hence confirming the above-mentioned conjecture for class I graphs

    Further Evidence Towards the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture

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    The product version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture, introduced by Skowronek-Kazi{\'o}w in 2012, states that, a few obvious exceptions apart, all graphs can be 3-edge-labelled so that no two adjacent vertices get incident to the same product of labels. To date, this conjecture was mainly verified for complete graphs and 3-colourable graphs. As a strong support to the conjecture, it was also proved that all graphs admit such 4-labellings. In this work, we investigate how a recent proof of the multiset version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture by Vu{\v c}kovi{\'c} can be adapted to prove results on the product version. We prove that 4-chromatic graphs verify the product version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture. We also prove that for all graphs we can design 3-labellings that almost have the desired property. This leads to a new problem, that we solve for some graph classes

    Parameterized complexity of edge-coloured and signed graph homomorphism problems

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    We study the complexity of graph modification problems for homomorphism-based properties of edge-coloured graphs. A homomorphism from an edge-coloured graph GG to an edge-coloured graph HH is a vertex-mapping from GG to HH that preserves adjacencies and edge-colours. We consider the property of having a homomorphism to a fixed edge-coloured graph HH. Given an edge-coloured graph GG, can we perform kk graph operations so that the resulting graph has a homomorphism to HH? The operations we consider are vertex-deletion, edge-deletion and switching (an operation that permutes the colours of the edges incident to a given vertex). Switching plays an important role in the theory of signed graphs, that are 22-edge-coloured graphs whose colours are ++ and −-. We denote the corresponding problems (parameterized by kk) by VERTEX DELETION HH-COLOURING, EDGE DELETION HH-COLOURING and SWITCHING HH-COLOURING. These generalise HH-COLOURING (where one has to decide if an input graph admits a homomorphism to HH). Our main focus is when HH has order at most 22, a case that includes standard problems such as VERTEX COVER, ODD CYCLE TRANSVERSAL and EDGE BIPARTIZATION. For such a graph HH, we give a P/NP-complete complexity dichotomy for all three studied problems. Then, we address their parameterized complexity. We show that all VERTEX DELETION HH-COLOURING and EDGE DELETION HH-COLOURING problems for such HH are FPT. This is in contrast with the fact that already for some HH of order~33, unless P=NP, none of the three considered problems is in XP. We show that the situation is different for SWITCHING HH-COLOURING: there are three 22-edge-coloured graphs HH of order 22 for which this is W-hard, and assuming the ETH, admits no algorithm in time f(k)no(k)f(k)n^{o(k)} for inputs of size nn. For the other cases, SWITCHING HH-COLOURING is FPT.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. To appear in proceedings of IPEC 201

    Parameterized Complexity of Edge-Coloured and Signed Graph Homomorphism Problems

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    We study the complexity of graph modification problems with respect to homomorphism-based colouring properties of edge-coloured graphs. A homomorphism from an edge-coloured graph G to an edge-coloured graph H is a vertex-mapping from G to H that preserves adjacencies and edge-colours. We consider the property of having a homomorphism to a fixed edge-coloured graph H, which generalises the classic vertex-colourability property. The question we are interested in is the following: given an edge-coloured graph G, can we perform k graph operations so that the resulting graph admits a homomorphism to H? The operations we consider are vertex-deletion, edge-deletion and switching (an operation that permutes the colours of the edges incident to a given vertex). Switching plays an important role in the theory of signed graphs, that are 2-edge-coloured graphs whose colours are the signs + and -. We denote the corresponding problems (parameterized by k) by Vertex Deletion-H-Colouring, Edge Deletion-H-Colouring and Switching-H-Colouring. These problems generalise the extensively studied H-Colouring problem (where one has to decide if an input graph admits a homomorphism to a fixed target H). For 2-edge-coloured H, it is known that H-Colouring already captures the complexity of all fixed-target Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Our main focus is on the case where H is an edge-coloured graph of order at most 2, a case that is already interesting since it includes standard problems such as Vertex Cover, Odd Cycle Transversal and Edge Bipartization. For such a graph H, we give a PTime/NP-complete complexity dichotomy for all three Vertex Deletion-H-Colouring, Edge Deletion-H-Colouring and Switching-H-Colouring problems. Then, we address their parameterized complexity. We show that all Vertex Deletion-H-Colouring and Edge Deletion-H-Colouring problems for such H are FPT. This is in contrast with the fact that already for some H of order 3, unless PTime = NP, none of the three considered problems is in XP, since 3-Colouring is NP-complete. We show that the situation is different for Switching-H-Colouring: there are three 2-edge-coloured graphs H of order 2 for which Switching-H-Colouring is W[1]-hard, and assuming the ETH, admits no algorithm in time f(k)n^{o(k)} for inputs of size n and for any computable function f. For the other cases, Switching-H-Colouring is FPT

    Graph modification for edge-coloured and signed graph homomorphism problems: parameterized and classical complexity

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    We study the complexity of graph modification problems with respect to homomorphism-based colouring properties of edge-coloured graphs. A homomorphism from edge-coloured graph GG to edge-coloured graph HH is a vertex-mapping from GG to HH that preserves adjacencies and edge-colours. We consider the property of having a homomorphism to a fixed edge-coloured graph HH. The question we are interested in is: given an edge-coloured graph GG, can we perform kk graph operations so that the resulting graph admits a homomorphism to HH? The operations we consider are vertex-deletion, edge-deletion and switching (an operation that permutes the colours of the edges incident to a given vertex). Switching plays an important role in the theory of signed graphs, that are 2-edge-coloured graphs whose colours are the signs ++ and −-. We denote the corresponding problems (parameterized by kk) by VD-HH-COLOURING, ED-HH-COLOURING and SW-HH-COLOURING. These problems generalise HH-COLOURING (to decide if an input graph admits a homomorphism to a fixed target HH). Our main focus is when HH is an edge-coloured graph with at most two vertices, a case that is already interesting as it includes problems such as VERTEX COVER, ODD CYCLE RANSVERSAL and EDGE BIPARTIZATION. For such a graph HH, we give a P/NP-c complexity dichotomy for VD-HH-COLOURING, ED-HH-COLOURING and SW-HH-COLOURING. We then address their parameterized complexity. We show that VD-HH-COLOURING and ED-HH-COLOURING for all such HH are FPT. In contrast, already for some HH of order 3, unless P=NP, none of the three problems is in XP, since 3-COLOURING is NP-c. We show that SW-HH-COLOURING is different: there are three 2-edge-coloured graphs HH of order 2 for which SW-HH-COLOURING is W-hard, and assuming the ETH, admits no algorithm in time f(k)no(k)f(k)n^{o(k)}. For the other cases, SW-HH-COLOURING is FPT.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Algorithms and Complexity for Geodetic Sets on Planar and Chordal Graphs

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    We study the complexity of finding the geodetic number on subclasses of planar graphs and chordal graphs. A set S of vertices of a graph G is a geodetic set if every vertex of G lies in a shortest path between some pair of vertices of S. The Minimum Geodetic Set (MGS) problem is to find a geodetic set with minimum cardinality of a given graph. The problem is known to remain NP-hard on bipartite graphs, chordal graphs, planar graphs and subcubic graphs. We first study MGS on restricted classes of planar graphs: we design a linear-time algorithm for MGS on solid grids, improving on a 3-approximation algorithm by Chakraborty et al. (CALDAM, 2020) and show that MGS remains NP-hard even for subcubic partial grids of arbitrary girth. This unifies some results in the literature. We then turn our attention to chordal graphs, showing that MGS is fixed parameter tractable for inputs of this class when parameterized by their treewidth (which equals the clique number minus one). This implies a linear-time algorithm for k-trees, for fixed k. Then, we show that MGS is NP-hard on interval graphs, thereby answering a question of Ekim et al. (LATIN, 2012). As interval graphs are very constrained, to prove the latter result we design a rather sophisticated reduction technique to work around their inherent linear structure

    Further Evidence Towards the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture

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    The product version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture, introduced by Skowronek-Kaziów in 2012, states that, a few obvious exceptions apart, all graphs can be 3-edge-labelled so that no two adjacent vertices get incident to the same product of labels. To date, this conjecture was mainly verified for complete graphs and 3-colourable graphs. As a strong support to the conjecture, it was also proved that all graphs admit such 4-labellings. In this work, we investigate how a recent proof of the multiset version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture by Vučković can be adapted to prove results on the product version. We prove that 4-chromatic graphs verify the product version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture. We also prove that for all graphs we can design 3-labellings that almost have the desired property. This leads to a new problem, that we solve for some graph classes

    On various graph coloring problems

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions des problĂšmes de coloration de graphe. Nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  deux familles de colorations.La premiĂšre consiste Ă  colorer des graphes, appelĂ©s graphes signĂ©s, modĂ©lisant des relations sociales. Ceux-ci disposent de deux types d’arĂȘtes : les arĂȘtes positives pour reprĂ©senter l’amitiĂ© et les arĂȘtes nĂ©gatives pour l’animositĂ©. Nous pouvons colorer des graphes signĂ©s Ă  travers la notion d’homomorphisme : le nombre chromatique d’un graphe signĂ© (G, σ) est alors le nombre minimum de sommets d’un graphe signĂ© (H, π) tel que (G, σ) admet un homomorphisme vers (H, π). Nous Ă©tudions la complexitĂ© des homomorphismes de graphes signĂ©s quand la cible est fixĂ©e et quand l’entrĂ©e peut ĂȘtre modifiĂ©e, et obtenons des dichotomies P/NP-complet et FPT/W[1]-difficile. Nous obtenons des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre chromatique d’un graphe signĂ© quand le graphe a peu de cycles. Enfin, nous Ă©tudions les relations entre les homomorphismes de graphes signĂ©s et le produit CartĂ©sien des graphes signĂ©s.La deuxiĂšme famille de coloration consiste Ă  colorer les arĂȘtes au lieu des sommets en respectant diffĂ©rents critĂšres. Nous Ă©tudions quatre types de colorations d’arĂȘtes : la coloration d’arĂȘtes « packing », la coloration d’arĂȘtes injective, la coloration AVD et les 1-2-3-Ă©tiquetages. La coloration d’arĂȘtes « packing » est une forme de coloration propre d’arĂȘtes oĂč chaque couleur a ses propres rĂšgles de conflits, par exemple, la couleur 1 pourrait obĂ©ir aux rĂšgles de la coloration propre d’arĂȘtes tandis que la couleur 2 obĂ©irait aux rĂšgles de la coloration forte d’arĂȘtes. Nous Ă©tudions cette forme de coloration sur les graphes subcubiques en donnant des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre de couleurs nĂ©cessaires pour colorer ces graphes. Une coloration d’arĂȘtes injective est une coloration d’arĂȘtes telle que pour chaque chemin de longueur 3, les deux arĂȘtes aux extrĂ©mitĂ©s du chemin n’ont pas la mĂȘme couleur. Nous dĂ©terminons la complexitĂ© de la coloration d’arĂȘtes injective sur plusieurs classes de graphes. Pour les colorations AVD, c’est-Ă -dire les colorations propres d’arĂȘtes oĂč les sommets adjacents sont incidents Ă  des ensembles de couleurs diffĂ©rents, nous obtenons des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre de couleurs requises pour colorer le graphe quand le degrĂ© maximum du graphe est significativement plus grand que son degrĂ© moyen maximum, ou quand le graphe est planaire et a un degrĂ© maximum supĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă  12. Finalement, nous prouvons la 1-2-3 Conjecture multiplicative : pour tout graphe connexe (non rĂ©duit Ă  une arĂȘte), on peut colorer ses arĂȘtes avec les couleurs 1, 2 et 3 de telle maniĂšre que la coloration (de sommets) obtenue en associant Ă  un sommet le produit des couleurs de ses arĂȘtes incidentes est propre.In this thesis, we study some graph coloring problems. We are interested intwo families of colorings.The first one consists in coloring graphs, called signed graphs, modeling social links. These signed graphs dispose of two types of edges: positive edges to represent friendship and negative edges for animosity. Coloring signed graphs is done through the notion of homomorphism: the chromatic number of a signed graph (G, σ) is the smallest order of a signed graph (H, π) to which (G, σ) admits a homomorphism. We study the complexity of homomorphisms of signed graphs when the target graph is fixed and when the input can be modified, giving P/NP-complete dichotomies and FPT/W[1]-hard dichotomies. We also present bounds on the chromatic number of signed graphs when the input graph has few cycles. Finally, we study the relationship between homomorphisms of signed graphs and the Cartesian product of signed graphs.The second family of colorings consists in coloring edges, instead of vertices, according to some constraints. We study four kinds of edge-colorings notions: packing edge-colorings, injective edge-colorings, AVD colorings and 1-2-3-labellings. Packing edge-coloring is a form of proper edge-coloring where each color has its own conflict rule, for example, color 1 may behave according to the rules of proper edge-colorings while color 2 behave according to the rules of strong edge-colorings. We study packing edge-coloring on subcubic graphs and provide bounds on the number of colors necessary to color the graphs. An injective edge-coloring is an edge-coloring where for any path of length 3, the two non-internal edges of the path receive different colors. We determine the complexity of injective edge-coloring for some classes of graphs. For AVD colorings, i.e. a proper edge-coloring where adjacent vertices are incident with different sets of colors, we obtain bounds on the number of colors required to color the graph when the graph has its maximum degree significantly greater than its maximum average degree and when the graph is planar and has maximum degree at least 12. Finally, we prove the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture, i.e. that every connected graph (which is not just an edge) can be edge-labelled with labels 1, 2 and 3 so that the coloring of G, obtained by associating with each vertex the product of the labels on edges incident with u, is proper

    Sur divers problĂšmes de coloration de graphes

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions des problĂšmes de coloration de graphe. Nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  deux familles de colorations.La premiĂšre consiste Ă  colorer des graphes, appelĂ©s graphes signĂ©s, modĂ©lisant des relations sociales. Ceux-ci disposent de deux types d’arĂȘtes : les arĂȘtes positives pour reprĂ©senter l’amitiĂ© et les arĂȘtes nĂ©gatives pour l’animositĂ©. Nous pouvons colorer des graphes signĂ©s Ă  travers la notion d’homomorphisme : le nombre chromatique d’un graphe signĂ© (G, σ) est alors le nombre minimum de sommets d’un graphe signĂ© (H, π) tel que (G, σ) admet un homomorphisme vers (H, π). Nous Ă©tudions la complexitĂ© des homomorphismes de graphes signĂ©s quand la cible est fixĂ©e et quand l’entrĂ©e peut ĂȘtre modifiĂ©e, et obtenons des dichotomies P/NP-complet et FPT/W[1]-difficile. Nous obtenons des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre chromatique d’un graphe signĂ© quand le graphe a peu de cycles. Enfin, nous Ă©tudions les relations entre les homomorphismes de graphes signĂ©s et le produit CartĂ©sien des graphes signĂ©s.La deuxiĂšme famille de coloration consiste Ă  colorer les arĂȘtes au lieu des sommets en respectant diffĂ©rents critĂšres. Nous Ă©tudions quatre types de colorations d’arĂȘtes : la coloration d’arĂȘtes « packing », la coloration d’arĂȘtes injective, la coloration AVD et les 1-2-3-Ă©tiquetages. La coloration d’arĂȘtes « packing » est une forme de coloration propre d’arĂȘtes oĂč chaque couleur a ses propres rĂšgles de conflits, par exemple, la couleur 1 pourrait obĂ©ir aux rĂšgles de la coloration propre d’arĂȘtes tandis que la couleur 2 obĂ©irait aux rĂšgles de la coloration forte d’arĂȘtes. Nous Ă©tudions cette forme de coloration sur les graphes subcubiques en donnant des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre de couleurs nĂ©cessaires pour colorer ces graphes. Une coloration d’arĂȘtes injective est une coloration d’arĂȘtes telle que pour chaque chemin de longueur 3, les deux arĂȘtes aux extrĂ©mitĂ©s du chemin n’ont pas la mĂȘme couleur. Nous dĂ©terminons la complexitĂ© de la coloration d’arĂȘtes injective sur plusieurs classes de graphes. Pour les colorations AVD, c’est-Ă -dire les colorations propres d’arĂȘtes oĂč les sommets adjacents sont incidents Ă  des ensembles de couleurs diffĂ©rents, nous obtenons des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre de couleurs requises pour colorer le graphe quand le degrĂ© maximum du graphe est significativement plus grand que son degrĂ© moyen maximum, ou quand le graphe est planaire et a un degrĂ© maximum supĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă  12. Finalement, nous prouvons la 1-2-3 Conjecture multiplicative : pour tout graphe connexe (non rĂ©duit Ă  une arĂȘte), on peut colorer ses arĂȘtes avec les couleurs 1, 2 et 3 de telle maniĂšre que la coloration (de sommets) obtenue en associant Ă  un sommet le produit des couleurs de ses arĂȘtes incidentes est propre.In this thesis, we study some graph coloring problems. We are interested intwo families of colorings.The first one consists in coloring graphs, called signed graphs, modeling social links. These signed graphs dispose of two types of edges: positive edges to represent friendship and negative edges for animosity. Coloring signed graphs is done through the notion of homomorphism: the chromatic number of a signed graph (G, σ) is the smallest order of a signed graph (H, π) to which (G, σ) admits a homomorphism. We study the complexity of homomorphisms of signed graphs when the target graph is fixed and when the input can be modified, giving P/NP-complete dichotomies and FPT/W[1]-hard dichotomies. We also present bounds on the chromatic number of signed graphs when the input graph has few cycles. Finally, we study the relationship between homomorphisms of signed graphs and the Cartesian product of signed graphs.The second family of colorings consists in coloring edges, instead of vertices, according to some constraints. We study four kinds of edge-colorings notions: packing edge-colorings, injective edge-colorings, AVD colorings and 1-2-3-labellings. Packing edge-coloring is a form of proper edge-coloring where each color has its own conflict rule, for example, color 1 may behave according to the rules of proper edge-colorings while color 2 behave according to the rules of strong edge-colorings. We study packing edge-coloring on subcubic graphs and provide bounds on the number of colors necessary to color the graphs. An injective edge-coloring is an edge-coloring where for any path of length 3, the two non-internal edges of the path receive different colors. We determine the complexity of injective edge-coloring for some classes of graphs. For AVD colorings, i.e. a proper edge-coloring where adjacent vertices are incident with different sets of colors, we obtain bounds on the number of colors required to color the graph when the graph has its maximum degree significantly greater than its maximum average degree and when the graph is planar and has maximum degree at least 12. Finally, we prove the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture, i.e. that every connected graph (which is not just an edge) can be edge-labelled with labels 1, 2 and 3 so that the coloring of G, obtained by associating with each vertex the product of the labels on edges incident with u, is proper

    Sur divers problĂšmes de coloration de graphes

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    In this thesis, we study some graph coloring problems. We are interested intwo families of colorings.The first one consists in coloring graphs, called signed graphs, modeling social links. These signed graphs dispose of two types of edges: positive edges to represent friendship and negative edges for animosity. Coloring signed graphs is done through the notion of homomorphism: the chromatic number of a signed graph (G, σ) is the smallest order of a signed graph (H, π) to which (G, σ) admits a homomorphism. We study the complexity of homomorphisms of signed graphs when the target graph is fixed and when the input can be modified, giving P/NP-complete dichotomies and FPT/W[1]-hard dichotomies. We also present bounds on the chromatic number of signed graphs when the input graph has few cycles. Finally, we study the relationship between homomorphisms of signed graphs and the Cartesian product of signed graphs.The second family of colorings consists in coloring edges, instead of vertices, according to some constraints. We study four kinds of edge-colorings notions: packing edge-colorings, injective edge-colorings, AVD colorings and 1-2-3-labellings. Packing edge-coloring is a form of proper edge-coloring where each color has its own conflict rule, for example, color 1 may behave according to the rules of proper edge-colorings while color 2 behave according to the rules of strong edge-colorings. We study packing edge-coloring on subcubic graphs and provide bounds on the number of colors necessary to color the graphs. An injective edge-coloring is an edge-coloring where for any path of length 3, the two non-internal edges of the path receive different colors. We determine the complexity of injective edge-coloring for some classes of graphs. For AVD colorings, i.e. a proper edge-coloring where adjacent vertices are incident with different sets of colors, we obtain bounds on the number of colors required to color the graph when the graph has its maximum degree significantly greater than its maximum average degree and when the graph is planar and has maximum degree at least 12. Finally, we prove the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture, i.e. that every connected graph (which is not just an edge) can be edge-labelled with labels 1, 2 and 3 so that the coloring of G, obtained by associating with each vertex the product of the labels on edges incident with u, is proper.Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions des problĂšmes de coloration de graphe. Nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  deux familles de colorations.La premiĂšre consiste Ă  colorer des graphes, appelĂ©s graphes signĂ©s, modĂ©lisant des relations sociales. Ceux-ci disposent de deux types d’arĂȘtes : les arĂȘtes positives pour reprĂ©senter l’amitiĂ© et les arĂȘtes nĂ©gatives pour l’animositĂ©. Nous pouvons colorer des graphes signĂ©s Ă  travers la notion d’homomorphisme : le nombre chromatique d’un graphe signĂ© (G, σ) est alors le nombre minimum de sommets d’un graphe signĂ© (H, π) tel que (G, σ) admet un homomorphisme vers (H, π). Nous Ă©tudions la complexitĂ© des homomorphismes de graphes signĂ©s quand la cible est fixĂ©e et quand l’entrĂ©e peut ĂȘtre modifiĂ©e, et obtenons des dichotomies P/NP-complet et FPT/W[1]-difficile. Nous obtenons des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre chromatique d’un graphe signĂ© quand le graphe a peu de cycles. Enfin, nous Ă©tudions les relations entre les homomorphismes de graphes signĂ©s et le produit CartĂ©sien des graphes signĂ©s.La deuxiĂšme famille de coloration consiste Ă  colorer les arĂȘtes au lieu des sommets en respectant diffĂ©rents critĂšres. Nous Ă©tudions quatre types de colorations d’arĂȘtes : la coloration d’arĂȘtes « packing », la coloration d’arĂȘtes injective, la coloration AVD et les 1-2-3-Ă©tiquetages. La coloration d’arĂȘtes « packing » est une forme de coloration propre d’arĂȘtes oĂč chaque couleur a ses propres rĂšgles de conflits, par exemple, la couleur 1 pourrait obĂ©ir aux rĂšgles de la coloration propre d’arĂȘtes tandis que la couleur 2 obĂ©irait aux rĂšgles de la coloration forte d’arĂȘtes. Nous Ă©tudions cette forme de coloration sur les graphes subcubiques en donnant des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre de couleurs nĂ©cessaires pour colorer ces graphes. Une coloration d’arĂȘtes injective est une coloration d’arĂȘtes telle que pour chaque chemin de longueur 3, les deux arĂȘtes aux extrĂ©mitĂ©s du chemin n’ont pas la mĂȘme couleur. Nous dĂ©terminons la complexitĂ© de la coloration d’arĂȘtes injective sur plusieurs classes de graphes. Pour les colorations AVD, c’est-Ă -dire les colorations propres d’arĂȘtes oĂč les sommets adjacents sont incidents Ă  des ensembles de couleurs diffĂ©rents, nous obtenons des bornes supĂ©rieures sur le nombre de couleurs requises pour colorer le graphe quand le degrĂ© maximum du graphe est significativement plus grand que son degrĂ© moyen maximum, ou quand le graphe est planaire et a un degrĂ© maximum supĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă  12. Finalement, nous prouvons la 1-2-3 Conjecture multiplicative : pour tout graphe connexe (non rĂ©duit Ă  une arĂȘte), on peut colorer ses arĂȘtes avec les couleurs 1, 2 et 3 de telle maniĂšre que la coloration (de sommets) obtenue en associant Ă  un sommet le produit des couleurs de ses arĂȘtes incidentes est propre